Empowering & Equipping Prophetic Generations

Demetrice Mason
March 12, 2022 @10 AM
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Apostle Demetrice Mason
is a multi-gifted and ordained Apostle-Prophet with a desire to see every believer provided with the tools needed to unlock key revelations for fulfilling purpose and destiny.
As a trainer and activator, she travels within the U.S.A. and abroad in her call to equip the Body of Christ in the areas of the prophetic, Davidic worship, and intercession/spiritual warfare. When she is not traveling, Apostle Dee (as she is lovingly called) along with her husband, Apostle Royal Mason, lead a phenomenal group of gifted people at Antioch Christian Church in Wilmington, Delaware.


False Dreams vs. Prophetic Dreams
How to Respond to a Prophetic Dream
Navigating through Dream Language & Symbols
How to Interpret Prophetic Dreams
Prayer & Prophetic Dreams
Authority in Dreamland: Breaking the Power of Night Attacks

Moving from Dull to Delight in Prayer
Introducing Holy Spirit, the Best Prayer Partner
Power & Authority: Winning in Warfare
Types of Prayers
Decreeing & Declaring
Prophetic Word | July 2020
7/31/2020 As I have recently stated, I have been dreaming frequently these past few weeks. I had a short, but powerful dream this week. This one was not only for me but for the Body. It's amazing how quickly the prophetic dream of the Lord comes to us. In reality, my alarm went off and my plan was...
Prophetic Dream-Word | July 2020
Here's the prophetic word that was read and discussed in our 7/2/2020 Live with Prayer Addict & Back2Reality! Intercessors, God is at work. God gave me this word 4 years ago. We are living this day right now! The manifestation of God's hand & His plan concerning the deaths and the shedding...
Prophetic Word | Jun 2020
June 24, 2020 There is an urgency in the spirit. The Lord is sounding His alarm once again. Intercessors hear the voice of the Lord. These are the days of the Evangelist, says God. The Apostle and the Prophet have had their day of restoration and now I resurrect the Evangelist! There is a new...
The teachings will grow you and encourage you in the things of God. The prayers strengths you…..YOU CAN HEAR GOD! helping you build relationship with God, through consistency and relentless communication with the Father, Son , and Holy Spirit!
Radical is stepping out the box of religion, to become the best that God has called you to be! Blessings….
Highly anointed prayers graced with Apostolic authority and power! Thank you, Apostle Dee!!!
Yes it’s been a blessing life-changing for me I have truly been blessed first time in my life I surrender all by the prayers the conference the fasting Apostle Demetrice has been a blessing to my life my faith has even got stronger
These prayers are powerful and great strategies for overcoming every weak area of your life. You can feel the Power of God being released through these prayers. I love this because it helps you to pray right and accurately.
Thanks Apostle Dee for obeying God and leading the body to become Prayer Addicts!!! Awesome Job!!!
If you want to grow closer to the Lord, hear His voice and distinguish it from the voice of the enemy, Apostle will teach you through demonstration and application of the Word to be a fervent effectual prayer warrior. She is a prophet of God, an anointed woman of God.
I recommend everyone listen to Apostle Mason every morning. Learn how to command your morning, how to live in wholeness, how to war and come against the schemes of the devil and how to pray for your love ones and yourself. She’s powerful. I Love this woman of God!

Relentless Prayers, Radical Results
Days of Heaven on the earth are possible when you understand the rules of engagement in establishing and maintaining a lifestyle of prayer. As It Is in Heaven will equip you and empower you to partner with the Holy Spirit and release perfect prayers according to the Father’s heart. Radical results will become your reality again and again through the power of Relentless prayers!