I heard this word on my scope, March 1st at 5 AM. I released part of it while on the scope. May this empower you this month! Blessings!

March shall mark an increase of greater influence and authority in the spirit for many says the Lord. For I am releasing my winds to blow and rearrange the course of my people. This month shall be a month of tremendous power and heaviness in the spirit. For as you decree and declare many things I shall reinforce your kingly identity and sonship says the Lord. For I call you to take authority and to cause the very course of lives to change for my glory. I remind you of who you are in me and what you can do through me, says the Lord. For as it is said, March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb, I call my people to roar as lions and as you roar you will subdue and crush your enemies this month. As you walk in humility as a lamb, your warfare shall be strengthened and I will anoint you with a renewed force to conquer and win! There’s a new breath and a new win I blow on my people once again. So walk with expectation that as you decree a thing it will be established in the earth and in your life. Expect the miraculous to break out as water flows in every direction. The winds of change I release upon you now. You shall March into breakthrough after breakthrough. You shall March into victories!

Demetrice Mason