There’s a strong urge and persuasion of the Holy Spirit to be very sober minded in this hour. I sense the Holy Spirit getting our corporate (the church) and personal attention very strongly. Keep your eyes and ears open to the voice of the Holy Spirit. There are things He wants to reveal. Stay alert and watchful in prayer. The shaking of God is about to intensify. Much shall be uncovered, and many will be shocked. God is saying do not get pulled into the drama and chaos of conversations, opinions of men, and arguments as the shaking continues and heightens. God is at work! LISTEN to what He is speaking and revealing to you as we experience the shifting and the shaking! Prayer is so vital at this time! Pray, pray, pray says the Lord! And don’t pray according to your desires, what you see and what you hear. Pray according to my leading, says the Lord. I am still the Shepherd and my sheep know my voice. The voice of the stranger must be rejected and ignored. Many will get reacquainted with my voice in 2020, for they have been distant from me, says the Lord. Your own agendas have separated us. And now I call you once again to return to me. Come close to me and I will come close to you. I want to give you a discerning heart. A discerning heart must be produced through prayer and fasting! Ask me for the anointing I placed upon the men of Issachar. Issachar understood their times and seasons. They knew what Israel should do. They were men of great wisdom and discernment. This same portion belongs to my people, my church. Ask me and come close to receive it! #adiscerningheart #besober #stayonthewall